Friday, December 09, 2005

Blessed, Blown Away, and Humbled

Let me start out by telling those of you who don't know me well that I'm not an emotional person. I don't cry at movies, I don't get misty over sweet-nothings, and I don't sob over Hallmark commercials. But today, I was moved beyond tears. I bawled like a baby--quite literally. Why? Because a special group of people did something for me out of love that blew me away.

As you've read here, my computer died this past Monday. Sadly and tragically, it had to go into the hospital. I screamed, ranted, and basically threw a hissy-fit (that's southern, but trust me, it ain't a pretty sight). Unbeknownst to me, a friend prayed Sunday evening for God to provide a way for me to get a laptop. I'd personally been praying and praying for a means for a laptop, and this was almost the final straw. Yes, I'll admit it, I'm a computer addict. No getting around the the facts--there it is, the truth of the matter--I live via my computer. Monday was miserable for me. Tuesday rolled around and I soon realized that I felt like a part of me had gone to the pc hospital with my 'puter. I was in hell, I tell you. The computer got fixed, quickly by the grace of God, and I was elated to be back among the "living". But I still wanted that life is on this computer and I knew I needed another system.

Today, the UPS man rolled down my driveway to deliver a package. A Dell laptop! I called my husband, bless his heart, who'd been in on the "secret". After putting me through hoops (he's gonna be paying for that one for a while), he told me to call one of my dear crit partners and ask her about it. I don't think I even said goodbye before I hung up and dialed her number. As she relayed who had banded together to get me this laptop for Christmas, the tears came. No holding them back, and I found I didn't want to. I was utterly speechless (not great for a writer to admit, I know), but there were no mere words to express my gratitude and emotional overload. These wonderfully special people have touched my heart more than I can ever express. These are God's special people, right here on earth, who have taught me how to be humbled and blown away, and truly blessed. So, my heartfelt thanks and love to: Ronie, Dineen, Ron, Heather, Colleen, Kristin, Camy, Pam H.. Pammer, Eileen, and Lisa (sister-in-law extraordinare). You guys are awesome and I'm so BLESSED to call you my friends! :)


eileen said...

Just crank out some awesome books on that Dell, dudette!

Dineen A. Miller said...

Girl, you give so much to us. This was pure joy and oh, so much fun to do. God's hand was all over this, and we got to be His tools. I'm so grateful for all you do and to have been a part of it. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Robin, I know, normally we're very sarcastic and stuff to each other (to bad I can't tell people the reason that I clicked with you LOL)... but you really are such a huge blessing in my life. I'm thankful for all you bring to our friendship. It was a huge honor to be a part of this and to see how amazing God is for working it out in the perfect way that He did. Love you!

Lynetta said...

Aw, that's *so* sweet! I'm very happy for you, Robin. Have fun with your new baby! :-)

Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Robin, what a wonderful story to share. So happy your friends did this for. They truly care for a dear friend. Enjoy the laptop!

Camy Tang said...

I'm so glad this worked out for you. I've been totally blessed by being your friend. God really answers prayers in mysterious ways, doesn't He!

The Girl You Used to Know said...

Robin--What a GREAT set of friends you have.

Now, get to work.

Anonymous said...

Hey Robin, this is a wonderful thing that happened to you. You're so lucky to have such beautiful, caring friends.
U C, you got some serious angels hanging around your head. God bless...
Cheers :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you, Robin :) You have wonderful friends!

Dana Pollard said...

You ARE blessed! What an awesome group of friends!!

I simply love my laptop and cannot live without it. I'm fine without food or water, but give me my laptop!!! Oh, and internet service, please!

Ronie Kendig said...

What an amazing experience this way. PUlling all the funding togethre in ONE DAY proved me that this was God's doing. He so totally loves you, girl!! I'm so blessed, my life is so blessed, to have you in it!!!

Now...we're all mobile and wired...what kind of havoc can we wreak? Mwahahahahaha

Unknown said...

Truly, these amazing people have moved me more than I can ever express! :)

Anonymous said...

Now...we're all mobile and wired...what kind of havoc can we wreak? Mwahahahahaha

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I'M NOT! sniff, sniff I see now, I'm not a part of "we"