Saturday, March 10, 2007

DESPITE what my board says...

We're having a lot of fun. Sure, we've had a LOT on our agenda....but you know what, it's been SO productive so far. These board members ROCK! We roll up our sleeves and get done what needs to be...every one prayerfully considering our decisions as we hash out conference plans, agendas, and get the business done. We work really well together and I'm so pumped about what we've accomplished so far.

But since Ane and Pam believe I'm such a taskmasker, why don't they pop up and share the story of our SHUTTLE VAN??????? lol Oh, yeah, it's definitely showing up in a book somewhere along the way! LOL


Pamela S. Meyers said...

LOL, I'm sure the shuttle driver is wondering about these loony writer ladies talking about exploding pants, Al Capone, and dark and foggy nights looking for the hideaway. But as Brandilyn so aptly puts it, the rest of the world are We're writers--what can we say :-)

Seriously, Robin is a great leader. Makes me think about re-upping :-)

Southern-fried Fiction said...

What can I add to that? LOL

Unknown said...

Excuse me...don't you ladies have a meeting to prepare for? LOL