Friday, July 13, 2012

I'm Interviewed....Learn More About Me

Who was your key inspirational force? My parents have always been totally supportive of my, um, creative side. I am very blessed that my husband also “gets” me. Each day, my family inspires me. Who was your mentor? My writing mentor is Colleen Coble. I can honestly say I don’t know where I’d be in this industry without her guidance, friendship, prayers, and love. Are you a member of a writing group or club / or were you? I’m a member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers). I’m a huge proponent of being in a good writers’ organization. There are connections and networking pathways you can’t find anywhere else. Did you go to writing conferences / were they helpful? I met my first editor at a conference and my agent, I met through a face-to-face at a conference. I also got to meet my mentor in person! Where did you get your ideas? I grab ideas from everywhere—the news, television, people…I like to play the “what if” game…I’ll see/hear something and think, “What if…” and then a story idea is born. What is the discipline used to sit and write? I’m one of those truly freaky people who if I say I’m going to do something, I do it. Copies of my contracts are taped on my overhead. That’s great motivation! How did you make the time / schedule? I treat my writing just like a regular “job” where I sit in chair for so many hours/words a day. If you got discouraged how did you keep going? Writing can be very discouraging…especially when seeking representation or publication. One day, out of sheer frustration, I prayed a very brave prayer—I told God that if I’d gotten the “call” wrong and He didn’t want me to be an author, then I’d give it up, but if that was the case, I prayed He’d remove the desire to write from me. Ever since then, I’ve just let faith pull me through the discouragement. How much of your writing is autobiographical? None. I’m pretty boring, so I don’t think people would read my story. lol Did you have an agent when your first book was published? Yes. Did you acquire a traditional publisher or self published? Traditional How did you find your publisher if traditional? Writing organizations and writing conferences. I learned about guidelines and craft through ACFW, then did research on the publishing house I wanted to target. I met with an editor from that publishing house at the next writers’ conference. How did you determine what your platform would be? Well, I’m southern and can’t help it, so I went with that. What steps did you take to build your platform? I revamped my website and blog to focus on my southern-ness. I make sure all my books either are set in the south or have southern characters. Do you have a network and if so how did you build it? I have a pretty good following on FaceBook and Twitter, as well as a newsletter group. I just took my time, let people get to know “me” the person, not just me the author. What would you do different? I would have started a LOT earlier in being serious about writing. Is there anything else you would like for our readers to know about you? I’m an avid reader and love to talk with other readers. Look me up on my website or find me on Facebook or Twitter. I love to connect.

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