Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday's Edition of Getting To Know the Thriller 4

Man, Robin almost busted me again. I'm really liking having charge of her blog. Sure, there will be retribution later...

Anyhoo....did you know that on Wednesday, June 30th, the authors will be signing at the LifeWay store in York, PA?

Wanna know something else about these authors? I snuck into their busyness as they prepare for the tour to ask them this question:

What are you working on now?

Robin: Right now, I'm working on the first book in a new series. Injustice For All, and I'm LOVING it! It'll release in January 2012.

Brandilyn: I’m just finishing my first novel for B&H—my novel based on Lyme Disease, Over the Edge. This is a novel of my heart, since I suffered from Lyme myself and know the troubles of Lyme patients who fight for diagnosis and treatment of this devastating illness.

Tosca: Forbidden (working title) with Ted Dekker and Iscariot, both out 2011.

Jim: Book of Days which releases in January and a marketing book for novelists which should be done by the end of summer.

Awesome! I can't wait to read them all!

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